Aerial Shoot Slide Slide Videohoop United Nations Tristate College Tristate College of Acupuncture Jewelry Display Elton John Cedar Springs Wholemato Chocolat Springs Ministry of Education Guyana

Elton John’s 60th Birthday Celebration Concert at Madison Square Garden

Autonomous Astronauts Creative Corporation was commissioned to write, direct, and produce a video to be played on a 60×20 feet giant LED screen to accompany Elton John’s performance was of “Empty Garden”. This song is a homage to John Lennon and was rarely played at Madison Square Garden.

Video Display for Jewelry and Precious Stones Retail Store

Autonomous Astronauts Creative Corporation purchased, programed and set up the necessary hardware for a 4×60 inch 4k OLED screen wall part of the background to a jewelry and precious store retail store in the Manhattan Diamond District. AACC also created custom content shooting on location jewelry master craftsmen as well as 3D and animated movies.

Totaling a 10 minutes video loop you can view here. In working directly with the Je company AACC created a short story about jewelry creation and design. 

Award winning Integrated Multi-Media Ad Campaign for The Ministry of Education Guyana

Autonomous Astronauts Creative Corporation in association with SCG conceptualized and executed all production items. AACC wrote scripts, shot on location in the Guyanese Amazonian Forest, and post-produced videos and prints for an early childhood literacy campaign. In working with educator and government officials, our team of writers crafted scripts guided toward the parents of children of ages 2 to 4. The project took 6 months from inception to delivery.